Sole to Soul Movement

Movement for healing and conditioning

sole to soul

A fitness experience built on safety, dignity and belonging for all bodies.

We embody social justice on the dance floor to guide you and your body in movement
from physical, mental, emotional, spirit and social perspectives.

We can no longer ignore the fact that our bodies will not truly heal and condition without
taking into account how they are treated in society. We acknowledge the social norms,
biases, oppression, hate, and injustices that have absorbed into our tissue, hearts and minds.

We strive to repair and reconcile the original ruptures of labor and land by reclaiming our bodies
and rebuilding community through our group somatic movement classes, workshops, trainings and lifestyle practices.

You are unique, you are worthy, you are divine and authentic.

You are welcomed here!

Low impact on the body, High impact on your emotions and spirit.

Teresa uses full body (physical, mental, emotion and spirit) wellness movement practice as an open invitation for students to move something, heal something, feel something. Teresa's classes are available to everyBODY! They can be adapted to allow you to move in your body's way, while staying connected to sensations in the body, mindfulness and healing. Teresa's classes are low impact on the body-high impact on the emotions and spirit!

“Teresa is an amazing teacher and…leader. She has spoiled me for anyone else. She is caring, understanding, clear, and careful. For someone who is older and slower she makes…a true rejuvenation technique. She is a treasure.”

— Zena Z.

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